How to choose the right power station portable for you

2022-04-14 Shenzhen Zhongxinli Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 0

1. What is power station portable

Outdoor multi-function power supply based on lithium-ion battery, can output USB, USB-C, DC, AC, car cigarette lighter and other common power interfaces. Covering all kinds of digital equipment, household appliances, vehicle emergency electrical appliances, providing backup power for outdoor travel and family emergency. At the same time, the solar energy storage can be used for a long time in areas separated from the mains.

2. How to choose the right parameters

①, Outdoor short-term digital applications, mobile phones, tablets, cameras, notebooks and other outdoor office photography groups, low power 300-500w, power 80000-130000mAh (300-500wh) products can be satisfied.

②, Long-term outdoor travel, boil some water, cook a meal, a lot of digital, night lighting, audio needs, the recommended power 500-1000, the power 130000-300000mAh (500-1000wh) products can meet the needs.

③, home power failure emergency, lighting, mobile phone digital, notebook, 300W-1000w can be, depending on the actual needs.

④For outdoor operations and simple construction operations without mains power, it is recommended to use more than 1000w, and more than 270000mah (1000wh) can meet the needs of general low-power operations.

power station portable

3. The current purchase pain points of power station portable

①, There are three reasons for the hidden danger of charging safety: B-product battery + battery protection function is not perfect and no fault-tolerant technology + no fault-tolerant technology for charging management. Please choose regular products from regular channels and stay away from low-priced and inferior products.

②, bulky, not easy to carry. Some brands have introduced high-frequency resonance technology, which can effectively reduce the volume by 30%-50%.

③, the shell is fragile, the use of engineering plastics, collision, fall is fragile, many no-name brands and some big brands also have this problem.

④, the heat generation is large, the inverter efficiency is low, and then the engineering plastic casing is used, the heat dissipation is poor, and a large number of heat dissipation holes have to be opened, which increases the fan heat dissipation, the noise is large, and the dust and water vapor corrode the internal circuit of the product, causing safety hazards and reducing product life.

⑤, low cost performance, some big brands have large advertising investment and high operating costs, resulting in high price and low energy, costing several thousand yuan, but the electricity and power are not enough, the brand selection can choose the central brand, the cost performance is relatively high.

⑥, the parameters are false or chaotic, some products have false battery standards, which are more common in low-priced and inferior products, and some products are eye-catching, and they have launched products with high power but very small capacity, which are sold as high-end products. batteries, reducing costs.

4. Normal specification parameters and price range

300W capacity not less than 80000mah 1300-1800 yuan

500w capacity not less than 130000mah 2000-2400 yuan

600w capacity not less than 145000mah 2500-2800 yuan

1000w capacity not less than 260000mah 3500-4200 yuan

5. Precautions for purchase

1. Select the capacity and power segment according to the needs of use, focusing on the two parameters of capacity and power, don't just look at the power, you will be slaughtered.

2, according to the budget to choose the brand, large, medium and small brands.

3. Choose cost-effective products based on professional knowledge, do not blindly follow the trend, and choose the one that suits you is the best.

4. Don't be greedy for cheap, the lowest price, sometimes it will make you pay the highest "cost", the price of blood