Shared power bank and merchant cooperation process

2022-09-21 Shenzhen Zhongxinli Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 0

Now many merchants have the need to apply for shared power bank, so as an agent, what skills do you need to know to make your shared power bank accepted by merchants? Today, let's take a look at the shared power bank merchant cooperation process.

1. Understand the needs of businesses to launch equipment

According to the business area, passenger flow, customer consumption level and other aspects, the equipment should be put in reasonably.

For example, a small milk tea shop with a size of 30 square meters has a daily passenger flow of less than 50 people, so you only need to place an 8-port shared power bank cabinet at the front desk. After all, the probability of 8 charging treasures being rented at the same time is not high.

If it is a bar, the daily passenger flow is about 500 people. At this time, more than 45 advertising machines need to be placed, so as to meet the rental demand, and secondly, it can add points to the image of the bar.

2. Set revenue sharing for merchants

At present, there are mainly three ways of cooperation, and the agent can divide the commission according to the different requirements of the merchant.

The first is to give rent every month without sharing. For example, 300 yuan is given to the merchant every month, and the income goes to the agent. This is suitable for the exclusive buyout of some merchants with better income. It is recommended to sign an exclusive placement agreement for the shared power bank, which can ensure the stability of their income.

The second is to give a commission share through the profit sharing setting. For example, the agent background can set the merchant's share ratio, which can be set directly. Subsequent merchants withdraw cash independently. This is the most common mode of cooperation.

The third is the step-by-step commission sharing model. For example, 30% of the profit is given in the early stage, and 60% of the profit is given to the merchant after the agent’s equipment is paid back. This model gives the merchant’s revenue expectation and is also a better cooperation model.

3. Do a good job in after-sales maintenance of the business

The transaction is only the beginning of cooperation. Shared power bank needs to place merchants for a long time. After-sales method is particularly important. Maintaining a good relationship with merchants can make equipment in a better position, improve exposure, and allow merchants to actively guide customers to use shared. power bank, increase the lease rate.

As an agent, when distributing goods, leave a business card, leave contact information, teach merchants how to check the income, how to set up members to use for free, etc., are the basic maintenance content.

The above is the process and method of cooperation between shared power bank and merchants. STW Technology, as a shared power bank manufacturer, cooperates with 100% of the headquarters and 0%, supports personal cooperation and OEM OEM, welcome to consult the agent.